Ocean Engineering

Technological Innovation and National Defense

Defending our Coastlines

exploring the ocean工程先进技术是揭开深海生态系统奥秘以及它们如何造福人类的首要解决方案, like revealing new sources for medical drugs, food and energy resources. 加强对所有佛罗里达人和美国公民的安全保障是非常重要的. FAU Harbor Branch works with major defense contractors and the U.S. 美国国防部的沿海安全项目,这些项目改善了美国的军事实力.S. 海军探测外国敌人和其他海上威胁的能力.

探索海洋和克服海洋研究中艰巨的技术挑战的动力是KU体育官网APP(FAU)海港分校海洋研究所由J. Seward Johnson Sr. in 1971. This spirit was embodied by Johnson’s friend, inventor Edwin A. Link, whose lifetime of innovation included the first flight simulator, 第一艘潜水员锁定潜水器和Johnson-Sea-Link潜水器. Discoveries enabled by Link’s work, 比如佛罗里达的深水珊瑚礁,以及收集和保护成千上万的海洋生物,用于FAU港口分部的药物发现工作, continue to shape our understanding and appreciation of the oceans.


Since the beginning of oceanography in the early nineteenth century, 这些巨大的进步是技术新发展的结果, 它们就像通往海洋的窗户,从未有人见过.”

Michael Twardowki, Ph.D.
FAU Harbor Branch
Research Professor


The Issue

More than 70% of the planet is covered by water. However, only a small percentage of the oceans have been studied. 科技的进步使科学家们能够更深入地探索这个神秘的领域, noninvasive ways.

In addition to learning more about the natural world, uncovering the mysteries of deep-sea ecosystems can benefit people, like revealing new sources for medical drugs, food and energy resources, and even benefit the Nation’s coastline security.

Information from ocean exploration can also help predict earthquakes 以及海啸,帮助我们了解我们是如何影响和被地球环境的变化所影响的.

  • More than 70% of the planet is covered by water
  • More than 80% of the ocean is unmapped, unobserved and unexplored
  • “Florida current” portion of the Gulf Stream could generate between 4 and 6 gigawatts of power
  • Less than 20% of the global seafloor has been mapped
  • Florida’s military and defense industry provides $95 billion in economic impact

exploring the oceanFAU Harbor Branch Taking Action

Inspired by Johnson and Link’s legacy, 我们开发革命性的尖端技术,使我们能够发现, map, observe, quantify, sample and conserve the ocean’s diverse organisms and habitats.


National Defense Technologies

工程先进技术对提高全国安全至关重要. FAU Harbor Branch works with major defense contractors and the U.S. 以更好地了解海军运作的海洋环境和生物, chemical, and physical processes that regulate that environment. 一项研究项目正在调查利用常驻鱼类种群的叫声来警告海岸线入侵的可能性. As an added benefit, 这项重要的工作还为沿海和海洋环境退化的总体解决方案提供了见解.

Renewable Energy

世界上最强的洋流之一,墨西哥湾流,其速度高达5英里.每小时6英里,每秒从佛罗里达向欧洲输送近40亿立方英尺的水. 东南国家海洋可再生能源中心(SNMREC)是美国的一个海洋可再生能源中心.S. Department of Energy recognized center at FAU, 重点关注墨西哥湾流中海洋可再生能源的安全和负责任的使用. 最终目标是利用这种极端的自然力量,为佛罗里达州一些人口最多的沿海社区提供可持续的电力. SNMREC研究的核心是由FAU港口分部海洋工程师创建和部署的新型海洋涡轮机原型. 该研究所准备将这项技术从原型到在国家替代能源组合中永久占有一席之地.

Unmanned Underwater Research

自主水下航行器(AUV)技术的出现极大地提高了效率, frequency and depth of underwater exploration missions. auv是一种专门的机器人,能够使用机载计算机自行操作, sensors and batteries. These instruments can conduct missions for months at a time, traveling vast distances and diving to depths of more than 18,000 feet. FAU港口分部的科学家开发并使用配备先进传感器的专业水下航行器来收集海洋数据和研究海底物理特征等主题, 深海珊瑚礁和濒危鱼类产卵聚集的生态学.

Ocean Optics

Light is the foundation of life on the Earth and in the oceans. The color and clarity of seawater, 以及悬浮在其中的溶解物质和颗粒物质, play an important role in the transmission of sunlight through water. 从微观粒子的图像到整个海岸线的太空卫星照片, FAU港口分部海洋光学研究人员的跨学科团队开发了变革性光学技术,以更好地了解和理解我们海洋中的关键过程.

Our Outcomes

  • 利用最先进的海洋工程和应用技术提高沿海安全
  • 用于海洋学研究和勘探的新型auv和传感器技术
  • 提高对海洋中关键过程的认识和理解
  • 海洋可再生能源是由墨西哥湾流产生的可持续能源

Resilience and disaster are the two faces of nature. And resilience continually adapts to new emerging threats. 因此,受大自然韧性启发的技术是我们在不断变化的世界中使我们的生活更安全的最好机会.”

Laurent M. Chérubin, Ph.D.
FAU Harbor Branch
Associate Research Professor

How You Can Help

工具和技术对于让科学家到达更深的海洋并回答以前无法回答的问题至关重要. Your support can expand ocean exploration capabilities, 为了人类的利益,帮助发现和保护他们不可估量的资源,保护我们的海岸线免受来自外国的威胁.

Thank you for considering supporting this critical research area. 海港分会重视我们的捐助者是帮助我们实现愿景的重要伙伴: “Ocean Science for a Better World®.”

Make a Gift Today!


海洋科学受到了影响,因为我们不能精确地看透海水. 我们需要承担这项艰巨的任务,扩大现代深海勘探的能力.”

Derya Akkaynak, Ph.D.
FAU Harbor Branch
Senior Research Fellow

HBOI ocean fish